Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Hidden treasure

So I don't use my camera that often for various reasons. But I turned it on this weekend to take pics of lacy and ledah. Well, what did I find when I was browsing through to see if I had enough space?

This is my roommate Chelsea, for those of you who don't know her.

Isnt she a charming lass?

This my friends, is why living with actors is such an exciting buisness.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

larkes a feminist on teusdays.

An event

Me: (picking up the phone) Good afternoon ITP!
Person: Hello, I'd like to request an aplication for admission.
Me: Have you visited our website? Most people just download an application from there. (translation: I don't actually know how to send you an application even though I've worked her for a year and a half)
Person: Well, I'm blind so I usually just call and talk to a real person.
Me: Um.. yeah.. (makes the "oh shit Im an asshole" face) that would make a lot of sense. Let me transfer you to my boss.

Which makes me realize that the fact that our culture is now so incredibly dependent on the interenet must really suck for blind people. And I've only just now realized this. I'm an asshole.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Midnight Madness

It is 3:40 Am.
I just finished my play.
It clocks in at 71 pages.
Essentially I have written 71 pages in two days. There was some cutting and pasting from earlier drafts. But this is a fairly dramatically changed version.
I dont know whether it is good or not. We will see what the morning brings.
Epiphany of the evening: No one can teach you to write but yourself.
We will see if THAT makes sense in the morning as well.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

facebook messeges are so weird.

From: Chiara Atik
To: lola
Subject: sarah michelle gellar
Message: hey larke....

every time you speak, i think in the back of my mind that your voice sounds really familiar but i can't quite place it...

and today, i was watching buffy the vampire slayer and it came to me...

you sound like sarah michelle gellar!!!!!!!!!

has anyone ever told you that before? it's a total compliment!

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Movies I want to see over thanksgiving weekend:

1. Shopgirl
2. Breakfast on Pluto
3. The dying Gaul
4. Jarhead
5. Syriana

and maybe possibly
6. The squid and the whale.

Will I actually see any of these? Probably not.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

The me report.

So... Im droping out of school to do this program.

And in more its-really-obvious-that-Im-a-big-nerd news--
Casey: So hear youre leaving next semester, where are you going?
Me: I'm dropping out.
Random kid I dont know: YEAH DROPPING OUT!!! WOOOO!
Casey: Haha. No really, where are you going?

Friday, November 18, 2005

So you know how I said I didn’t trust Tisch Special Programs?

About 5 minutes ago I got another call from TSP informing me that I spot opened up in the poetry program I originally applied for. At this point I think only TSP understands what’s going on so to clear it up I will give my lovely readers a timeline of Larkes Pre Africa adventure.
1. Larke gets the sophomore slump. Considers dropping out of DDW. Considers becoming premed. Considers becoming white water raft guide.
2. Larke decides that a semester abroad would to do the trick while keeping her from having another gap year.
3. Decided to apply to TSP’s Johannesburg program for the very specific Poetry in performance program.
4. Applies
5. Has an interview
6. Has another interview
7. Doesn’t get in.
8. Cries.
9. Meets with advisor early and gets into all the department classes she wants. Gets attached to the idea of taking playwriting and continuing to work on “Subtitle.”
10. Catches herself thinking of spending next year in Germany living with molly. Caveat: would not graduate on time.
11. Gets a phone call offering her a spot in the Johannesburg program but not in poetry but in a more sociological program on art and culture.
12. Mulls.
13. Decides there is no good reason not to go
14. Her parents cry.
15. Accepts the spot in the program.
16. Three days later gets another call from TSP offering her a spot in the poetry program.
17. Says yes in under 5 seconds.
18. Is informed that she needs to have a $425 deposit by Monday.
20. Larke remembers that she works twenty hours a week and has a savings account for situations just like this.
21. Does a little dance.
22. Makes a little love.
23. Goes to see Walk the line tonight (hope hope)

So I think that brings us up to date. I’m still vaguely confused but I suppose it is best to not ask questions.

A day in the life.

It is absolutely absurd that I am still up and I will pay pay pay for it when I die at work tomorrow.
See children, this is why you do not drink diet coke after midnight.
So I’m walking home at three am and I walk up to my dorm and I see one of the security guards I know. And in my head I go:
Shit. He’s gonna see me coming in at three am on a Thursday night and think I was irresponsible and that I THEN decided to walk home trashed (keep in mind that I am sober) alone and unaccompanied and he will think so much less of me.
But then my mind also goes:
He thinks I’m cool and that I stay out drinking until three am on a Thursday. Whoohoo.
So with the two thoughts of he thinks I am irresponsible and cool and he just thinks I’m cool I enter the dorm.
“Hey,” I say to the security guard, smiling bashfully at my imagined transgression.
“Hey,” he says, “How was Harry Potter?”
I pause for a moment, tempted to say “Oh, I didn’t go, I was out parting and having empty meaningless sex.”
But instead I said, “Fuckin’ awesome man, two thumbs up, the best movie thus far.”
I’m so lame. I can’t even pretend to be cool.
And yet I am so very pleased.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

yet more shit

1. My dad started crying when I told him I was going to South Africa.
2. My mom ordered me not to get bird flu (“or aids,” my dad shouted). I informed her that South Africa has one of the best health systems in the world (if you have money, which I do)
3. I don’t understand why my parents are having a problem with this at all especially since they were all fine with it when I first applied. I guess they just got really used to having me here next semester (I did too frankly).
4. Apparently 1 out of 6 NYU freshman say they are going to be pre-med. By graduation 1 out of 100 NYU students are pre-med.
5. I’m still not convinced that everything is going to work out with South Africa. I do not trust Tisch Special Programs.
6. All of my childhood my mother would randomly say “I shot a man in Texas just to watch him die.” Random, I know, but its my mother, and if you know her it makes a vague kind of since. I JUST realized that it’s a line from a Johnny Cash song.
7. Speaking of Johnny Cash, his version of you are my sunshine is the creepiest thing EVER.
9. Saw Michael tonight. I kinda adore that girl. Though it was strange to be in New York with her only this time I was the person going to NYU. We’re going to H&M on Saturday because I need to buy like 800 long sleeve shirts (and because I have an H&M dependency)

I would like to thank the new york times

For including this massive picture of an iguana on their web site. Apparently it is part of an exhibition at the museum of natural history. Does anyone else want to go with me? Live iguannas? Darwin? What more could you ask for?

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Remember when I said I wasn't going to South Africa?

About that.
I am.
Next semester.
I will update again as soon as I know the details.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Everything you didn't want to know about me

1. I have officially NOT worked on my play for ten days. Part of this can be blamed on the death of Farah (my computer). Another part can be blamed on Mitzi’s (new computer) lack of final draft. And the last part can be blamed on the fact that Battlestar Gallactica is soooo addicting. (I don’t know if its any good, I actually suspect it isn’t, but I am quite frankly obsessed).
2. But I am glad that this play doesn’t have to be perfect by the end of the semester because I am taking it over into playwriting. (after which it should be FLAWLESS (Goldberg prize, I’m gunning for you (no I’m not (yes I am (no (yes (no))))))
3. I dropped Fiona (Ipod) on the ground yesterday and she wasn’t wearing her case and now her pretty blue surface is all scratched up. I feel like a bad mother.
4. NPR on Fiona is my new addiction. Well, that and BG.
5. If Thanksgiving break doesn’t get here right now I just might collapse. I need and efing break.
6. BUT Ledah and Lacy AND Chris Carlson are all coming into town. Which means MISSOULA PARTY.
7. there is this flash animation video to that scissor sisters cover of comfortably numb (which I hate) that plays at work every five minutes. I am this >< far from taking a bat to it (and by bat I mean the furry flying rodent… ba dum CHING)
8. I miss the Chickens. Is that weird?
9. I turned in a D- paper to my ConWest TA and I didn’t feel bad about it. I think I might need to take another gap year.
10. Never. Ever. EVER. Allow me to look at the free kittens page on craigslist EVER AGAIN.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Two emails from my father


Wonderful to talk to you; I am so pleased that we are making the transition to an adult-adult relationship*, which is truly wonderful. And it is so nice to see your most excellent development, your exploring and growing your creativity, and all that goo -- I mean good -- stuff.


*....Even if I have some of the same juvenile humor as some of the other guys you know.



On "Kiss Kiss" vs "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang"

The former is I believe the name of a collection of short Roald Dahl stories. The latter is the title I believe, of a collection of movie reviews/essays by Pauline Kael.


Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Adventures in Advising part duex

Me: Hey Advisor
Advisor: Hey, have you scheduled a meeting with me?
Me: Yep, 10:45 tomorrow!
Advisor: do you want to meet now?
Me: Sure, that’d be great!
Advisor: Fill out one of these forms.
Me: Actually, I already have one filled out.
Advisor: And you have it with you?
Me; Yep
Advisor; great! Lets have this meeting. Then you can get your access codes early.
(Interim where we talk about my schedule, etc (this lasts about 20 sec))
Advisor: wow, you’ve got it all planed out. You’re an advisors dream.
Me: I try.
Advisor: It looks like you have it all planed out.
Me: yes.
Advisor: That’s good.
Me: maybe a little too planed out
Advisor: keeping you up at night? Need a something to help you sleep? Drugs?
Me: no…thanks.
Advisor: nothing wrong with being a little compulsive. One last thing to keep in mind is all this white space in the liberal arts you have going.
Me: I know, I’m taking German. I’m prepped. I’m planed. I had Roxanne photo copy that course matrix in my file.
Me: …?…
Advisor: Okay, maybe you are a little too compulsive.
( beat)
Me: Just a little.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Stolen from Jordie

"If Montana were to secede from the union to become its own sovereign nation (and don't push us, man, we'll do it), we would instantly become the world's fourth-largest (known) nuclear power. Innocuous white concrete bunkers sprouted in fields and valleys across 23,000 acres of central Montana contain some 200 Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missiles equipped with nuclear warheads and watched over by 55 "missileers" of the Air Force's 341st Space Wing. Don't mess with Texas? We've got two words for the lone star state. Fuck. You."

Thursday, November 03, 2005

I raped Duncan, King of Scotland and other tales.

Macbeth is a fucked up play.
That is all.
It remains my favorite Shakespeare.
But still.
Fucked up.
EVERYONE should take part in my poll.
What should Larke take next semester: Chinese, Arabic or more German.
And unlike the national govt, your votes WILL be counted.
I might not pay any attention to them though.