Thursday, March 05, 2009

Story time!

So back two years ago when I moved into my current apartment my parents and brother helped me move (I very cleverly did this when they were in town to see my play. haHA!) After carrying my books, mattress, clothes, dvds and so on and so on down six flights of stairs we loaded it into the back of a uhaul van and departed for Brooklyn. Thing was, there were only two seats in the van, and four of us. Well we just stuck my mother and brother in back with my stuff. (In retrospect we should have put them on the subway.) No biggie right? Just don't slam on the breaks.
This was August, btw.
So we're hot and sweaty and the traffic is terrible into Brooklyn and my mom and brother realize about halfway across the williamsburg bridge that if we got into an accident all my worldly possessions would crush them like a pancake and were complaining about it for some reason when my father goes:
"You know, when Gandhi died, all he owned was a begging bowl."
To which I went:
"Well if we get into an accident my begging bowls are going to kill your wife and son."
Which luckily did not happen. My material things are not stained with maternal and filial blood.
Now, today there was an auction of Gandhi things (which pissed the Indian government off for some reason) and it turns out Gandhi also owned a WATCH. And SANDALS. GOD he was such a materialist bastard!
I sent the article to my dad with the subject line: "Oh look, I could buy Gandhi's begging bowl."
"eh," says my father "you'd just have to put it in a friends uhaul when you move."


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