Monday, February 09, 2009


I don’t get angry about much. Irked yes. Annoyed yes. Pissed off, oh quite often. But truly, deeply angry is an emotion that I rarely feel. But one of the things that makes me literally-see-red-angry is parents that refuse to vaccinate their kids. I understand that it is scary being a parent, and that autism is incredibly devastating BUT it is also an incredibly selfish thing to do. Not vaccinating your kids depends on EVERYONE else to vaccinate their kids, essentially having everyone else risk their kid’s brain, for yours. And when certain communities reach a tipping point in the number of children not inoculated the MEASLES BREAKS OUT AGAIN YOU MOTHER FUCKS. And it takes down infants, and children too sick to be vaccinated with it. When there was an outbreak in Orange County this fall I think I literally spat on someone I was screaming so loud.
And now it turns out that the doctor who original spread the vaccines-cause-autism fears FALSIFIED HIS REPORTS. Why would he do that? Why? And so there is no basis for this fear, there has been no proven cause, its all just a bunch of alarmist assholes who don’t understand BASIC FUCKING SCIENCE.
And the worse part is, it’s the kids that suffer. Its not the parents getting measles. I really hope this news story gets spread fast because this is a trend that needs to end. Now.
Up next: Creationists: why they suck.


Blogger Michael said...

You probably listened to it, but This American Life did a story on the Orange County outbreak. I was talking to a friend about it and she actually said, "well yeah, but it's their choice. Isn't that a part of being pro-choice?" Infuriating.

5:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was also going to mention the This American Life story (though I think it was in Sandiego). They also mentioned the fact that the article that first started this fear was retracted. But no one seems to read retractions.


8:05 PM  
Blogger Lark(e) said...

I actually haven't listened to the this American life story (though it is saved on my computer) because I know I will probably be angry for days afterwards. And I do recognize that it is a choice, but an incredibly stupid and ignorant choice. These parents have never seen the measles. They think its just like the chicken pox.

9:38 PM  
Blogger rachel blue eyes said...

I agree with you- it's pretty selfish to not vaccinate your kid, because it depends on everyone else NOT vaccinating. I also remember my mom, grandma and aunt getting into a HUGE fight about this when I was little because my aunt didn't want to vaccinate her kids.

9:13 AM  

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