Thursday, February 05, 2009

Doll Hos*

Last night I was out at a bar (Gatsby’s without Sushi, which was weird) and on the many bar televisions appeared an add for Josh Whedon’s new show “Doll House.” Obviously, I am a huge Whedon fan (I bribed, bartered and snuck my way into a screening of “Serenity” at Wesleyan, which remains a highlight of my film viewing history) and I think Eliza Dushku is a highly underrated actress and I really want Helo from Battlestar Galactica to have a career post BSG. But… um… WTF nakedness?

Keep in mind that I still haven’t seen this with sound, as my office computer is without speakers but is Naked-Eliza-Dushku really the only option here? There are a whole host of vaguely NSFW promo shots that really just look like a maxim spread.

Compare this to another sci-fi fox show that (while I found the pilot unbearably stupid) had a compelling poster campaign.

Tis the season to stick your fox heroines in water apparently.

So I don’t know, Defamer thinks this is a good move, but it reeks of desperation to me. Chris Plante says the buzz is that the pilot was terrible and had to be completely reedited and much as I like to ignore him, maybe he is right.
Please please please let this show be good and survive. Once BSG dies in 5 episodes I don’t know where I will go for dark, women-kicking-ass television.

*Shut up. You think that is totally clever.


Blogger Callan Stout said...

the fringe poster looks like the water was added in post-production. ELiza looks like she's actually in water

4:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm with callan. the fringe poster is definitely graphics stuff done in post.

as for eliza, she is an exec producer on the show i believe, and in all fairness, girl's been naked everywhere of late. so it's not just limited to show promotion. she may just like being naked.

1:28 PM  

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