Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Baby Baby Baby Gee Gee Gee

Ever since four-four tipped me off to this song last week I have been completely obsessed. From what I can gather Girls Generation is a Korean pop group that is really more of a dance team than any sort of band. There are nine of them. NINE! I could barely keep the spice girls straight and there were only four of them (Five? Four? It changed). Seriously, how do you keep any sort of band unity with that many people? Thats like the cast of real world. (OH MY GOD PLEASE RELEASE "GIRLS GENERATION THE REALITY SHOW!")
Regardless they are completely amazing, from their jaunty hats to their interactive black board to their knocking-as-dance-move. I have no idea what the song is about. I'm guessing boys. I mean, what else do girls sing about?

In my next life can I be a Korean pop star?



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