Tuesday, September 27, 2005

I am not a girl.

But I am not a boy either? What does that make me? Hmmmmmmm.
"Let's hug it out, bitch"
So I have been watching a fair bit of entourage (god bless you netflix). I rented it out of curiosity and because, well, I had been told I would hate it. From what I had heard it sounded like something I would hate: misogynist, chauvinist and male centric. But I don’t believe in hating anything until you have experienced it first had. So I ordered it expecting to send the disk back with one, maybe two episodes watched.
But here’s the thing.
I really like it.
Not that it excuses the show at all (we all know I have been a bad feminist since I moved to New York). It is misogynistic and chauvinist, there’s no way to pussyfoot around it. (*smack*) But the main characters are so stupid its hard to believe anyone would take them seriously. Entourage is just as much an indictment of boys-will-be-boys behavior as my sweet 16 is an indictment of rich people.
But, I’m just making excuses.
The show is funny and I recommend it for anyone toying with the idea of never dating male again. It will definitely push you over the edge.
On another note: I officially hate the gender binary. But I don't have the energy to rant on that right now.


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