Monday, September 01, 2008

I think Megan might be my favorite Jezebel

And not just because she is the only one posting on Labor Day.
Megan Carpenter over at Jezebel has a great one-two punch about the treatment of Sarah Palin by the liberal media. This morning she posted about the liberal blogospheres glee at the rumors that Trig Palin was actually Bristol's child.
"And when liberals and progressives pounce on rumors like this one about Trig's "true" parentage — whether or not it is true, which I'm pretty sure it's not — or rumors about Republican politicians' sexuality (in the absence of crimes committed) we are conceding that conservatives are right, and personal choices do qualify or disqualify one for certain aspects of participation in public life and this democracy. We are accepting their terms, their definitions of appropriate private behavior, and attempting to use those definitions to defeat their candidates. And once we do that, even if we do "take down" Sarah Palin or whatever Republican candidate in order to protect gay rights or reproductive rights or educational rights, then we've lost on those issues anyway because we've conceded that the underpinnings to the Republican positions on those issues is valid."

And then this afternoon, when it came out that 17 year old Bristol is five months pregnant she wrote:
"there's no evidence that I can find that she yanked Bristol out of sex ed classes or denied her contraceptive education. To make a 17-year-old girl who didn't likely choose either to be pregnant or to be some political football the new poster child for attacking her mother's policy positions doesn't leave any better a taste in my mouth this afternoon than I had this morning...
Yes, we need to have a rational conversation in this country about striking the balance between providing students with age-appropriate sex education and a rational discussion about moral values and their role in making sexual choices. I am a full and complete supporter of comprehensive sex ed — which includes information like "there is no such thing as blue balls" and "no means no" and "saying no to sex can be a sign of respect for both of you." But clapping our hands in joyous rubbernecking over Bristol Palin's being in the family way is not going to be the start of any discussion. It makes us look as judge-y as we accuse Them of being, it makes us look like abortion-promoters instead of choice-respecters (it does mean both choices, after all) and it makes us look like we think a 17-year-old target is easier to hit than a 44-year-old target."

Go read both full posts. I think she makes a fantastic claim for, um, not being fucking hypocrites. Which is even more amazing because it comes from Jezebel which, while I love it, does have a habit of shaming anyone who makes a date rape joke unless its one of their editors. Then it's funny.
So yes, lets all agree to try to be civil and while it might be amusing in the short term to make fun of Larry Craig and so forth it really just makes us all worse people and a worse country. I think we can all agree that NO ONE has any idea what the next 60 days hold.


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