Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Disenfranchise me.

So it turns out that over this past week, while I have been calmly giving myself agoraphobia (I WILL post about that at some point) the republicans in my home state have been trying to take away my right to vote. Montana Republicans challenged almost 6,000 voter registrations in key Democratic counties, I know that number doesn't seem like a lot but in a state like Montana it is. "Republicans had notified seven counties last week that they were challenging the registrations of 5,977 voters whose addresses did not match a U.S. Postal Service database. Party leaders said they were trying to guard against voter fraud." Included in the people whose registration was challenged were friends of mine who live outside of Montana for college.
THANKFULLY logic prevailed and the challenges were thrown out.
"The maneuver - just weeks before the November election - drew criticism from state and county election officials who had to investigate the claims. Nonpartisan voter rights groups said there was no proof of fraud in the state and said the GOP effort was partisan-driven.
Challenged voters could have been forced to reregister or submit an affidavit proving their current address."
I know both sides are dirty as sin in this election but jeeeze louise. How desperate can you get?


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