Thursday, December 13, 2007

Don't Forget to Catch Me

Back in High School my friends and I were obsessed with this German movie called Bandits. Bandits is about four women who form a rock band while in jail. They then escape from jail just as their cd is hitting the big time. So while they're on the run from the police their fans are everywhere. What will they do!? It’s like “prison break” crossed with “spice world.” It’s pretty wonderful. I still know all the words to the songs even though it’s been a good four years since the last time I saw it.

Anywho, I decided to rewatch it and see if 3 and a half years of training in story structure and other such bullshit had killed it for me.
I mean, I could tell you everything that is ridiculous about it (it is sublimely ridiculous) but my love for it stands the test of time.
So here I present the 6 things I love about Bandits.
6. Music: I love it when Germans sing in English. Never makes much sense but it sure do sound pretty.
5. Eye Candy: can we have male models with limited speaking skills in all films?
4. Reversal of punishment: in most movies if a female character screws up she will be punished while male characters tend to be excused. Here, if a man makes lewd comments to you he gets the smack down!
3. Dance sequences: In the middle of a crowded street.
2. Jumping: off of bridges and buildings causes hardly a bruise.
1. When in doubt light a car on fire: works every time.



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