Friday, November 09, 2007

Oh thank the lord

Back when I worked at Saks I used to walk through Rockefeller center, past radio city music hall every single time I went to work. It is a part of new york I really passionately hate. Once the ice rink opened it became impossible to walk through and tourists would yell at me for walking in front of their cameras (which I would sometimes do on purpose. Much as I try to not be a spiteful person I really do hate the people who shop at Saks and the people who put Rockefeller center as their number one priority when visiting new york. That part of NYC is like the Disneyland/ Vegas version of New York. It just feeds into the perception that New York is a playground for the rich. Which, I mean, it is, and working at Saks pounded into my brain again and again that I don't belong here in any respect other than being the "help.") ANYWAY wow, did not anticipate going on that rant but what really brought it up was this picture.

I am so glad I don't have to walk by that goddamn tree every day. When Saks put up its Christmas decorations in the last week of September it killed any and all Christmas feeling I had. Welcome. I'm more grinchy than usual.



Blogger L.Dah K.Plan said...

I thought that said "baby crane" which would have been AWESOME.

also, once again, congrats on no sakes.

10:02 AM  

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