Saturday, May 24, 2008


My favorite beer ever ever is this Montana Micro brew called Trout Slayer. It’s a Kristal-Weizen which is a wheat beer. (I only know this because I looked at the website)
Heres the thing though. Its not called Trout Slayer anymore.
The story is that apparently trout slayer is too violent. Really? I have some dead and stuffed animals in the airport that would argue with this Montanan-as-pansy logic.
So they decided to change the name of the beer.
To Dancing trout.
Okay, that’s all fine and dandy. But look at the label.

It’s a man. Dancing with a Man Sized Trout. Cheek to cheek. Closer than Fred and Ginger. Closer than any high school prom would allow. I don’t see how that is any less offensive than Trout Murder ale. I mean, it’s promoting bestiality if nothing else.
Since writing the above I did a google search and discovered that both Big Sky Brewing and Bayern Brewing, both Missoula based Microbrewerys both had trout slayer ales but that Bayern changed their name. Apparently there was a lawsuit. All is now clear.
I had the following conversation with my father:
Me: Bayern and Bigsky Breweries.
Dad: Yes?
Me: Both have trout slayer ales.
Dad: Which one changed the name?
Me: Bayern.
Dad: So Big sky must have won the lawsuit.
Me: Lawsuit?
Dad: Yes.
Me: But… But… Which one do I like!?!
Dad: Dancing Trout.
Me: The fornication one?
Dad: Yep.
Me: Damn.


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