Monday, April 14, 2008

Gawker on the weekend is extra nerdtastic

So no one in their right mind goes on gawker on the weekend unless they are avoiding writing their thesis. And lo and behold the gawker writer for the weekends is a giant nerd. He watches BSG drunk. He posts a video of a cat playing a thermin. But most importantly he spends his time hunting down compilation videos of Buffy's sixth season (the best one) set to music that people put on youtube. Why? Because he can apparently. He even made a list.
"Here are a bunch of videos setting Willow's brief-but-hot time as a psycho-sweet baddie on Buffy the Vampire Slayer to various forms of gloomy pop music. This first one's extra screechy!"
No. Joke.

Who was it who said time is money? Ah yes. Ben Franklin. I listen to you not.



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