Tuesday's pop culture round up (or down)

Gwen Stefani's music video for Hollaback Girl is nominated for best video of the year. Cause, you know, 30 costume changes in 3 minutes is the sign of quality. But I did discover some interesting information about the term Hollaback Girl from Wikipedia. Apparently, a Hollaback Girl is a boys second choice after he's struck out with his first option. Or she's a cheerleader. The song was written as a throw down (yes I just used the term throw down, just talking about this song damages my IQ) to Courtney Love who referred to Stefani as the music industry's cheerleader. (whatever that means). It does make the following lyrics slightly more interesting. "both of us want to be the winner, but there can only be one/so I'm gonna fight, gonna give it my all, gonna make you fall, gonna sock it to you/that's right, I'm the last one standing, another one bites the dust" But really nothing can top the wisdom, the poetry of that shit is bananas! B-a-n-a-n-a-s. Sigh. That song taught me to spell!
In the list of absolutely unnecessary remakes I am putting Pride and Prejudice at the top. The 6 hour BBC version is a work of genius and Jennifer Ehle is the most amazing Elizabeth ever and I still want to screw Colin Firth because of it even though hes grown progressively uglier and stupider but they are both just so amazing and hot in that. Ugh, All of Kiera Knightlys charm has worn off and all that is left is an annoying, semi-pretty, plucky, British woman (and there are few things duller). Also, she and I have the same facial structure and its beginning to creep me out. (though, it does mean that she, and I, and Natalie Portman could play sisters in some future movie. Plante? Wanna make it?)
And now, since this week has not had enough gratuitous pictures of gorgious women, I bring you, Aeon Flux: Labels: pop culture round downSpeaking of Natalie Portman. V for Vendetta doesn't look half bad though Alan Moore does have a curse put on him where all his comic books are made into CRAP (From Hell, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen). The thing is, I think V for Vendetta is one of his worst (not that it says much, its still pretty cool) so maybe it will make a better movie. Who knows. They got the feel right anyway.
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