Monday, February 04, 2008

My Dad and I watch the Super Bowl

I am in New York, My dad is in New Orleans. Together we watched the Superbowl. This is our conversation. I edited for spelling but that’s it. We have unlimited texting incase you can’t tell. I feel that this shows how even two people who know nothing about foot ball could appreciate the wonderment that was last nights game.

Dad: R U watching the Superbowl?
Me: You?
Dad: I'm at a Super Bowl party in New Orleans. Mom is at the hotel writing and avoiding sports. How ‘bout them Giants (at last).
Me: WOOO! Though the giants are like democrats. They can snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
Dad: Yes I am (underline am) capable of going to a Super Bowl party… Who’s playing? Seriously, there is good food and drink. And I'm in another culture, and digging it.
Me: I’m actually watching it alone. I kinda care. We should talk about New Orleans when you get a chance.
Dad: I can’t belive you are watching without roomies. Yes, lets talk New Orleans soon. We are still building toward fat teus. It all seems very lavish and debauched, but apparently we haven’t seen anything yet.
Me: was there a parade yesterday?
Dad: Several. We saw 2. Saw 2 today. And we got stuck in traffic tonight b/c theres another now.
Me: so many parades. Having a good time?
Dad: Very much so. I have never seen anything like this & mom & I r enjoying the weirdness.
Me: Good good. When is the ball?
Dad: Monday nite. And what was with that Patriots scoring?
Me: I KNOW. I am not happy.
Dad: New Orleans is rooting for Eli Manning.
Me: Everyone hates the pats. They cheat.
Me: That was a beautiful throw. Did you see it?
Dad: This is exciting. I did c it.
Me: AAAAA! Go eli!
Dad: WOW. TD.
Me: Oh god. Longest 1 sec ever.
Dad: 1 second to go.
Dad: YES!
Me: Eli’s dad was the quarterback for the new Orleans saints. That’s why they were cheering for eli.
Dad: and he and Peyton and an older bro all went to High School here.
Me: Ah. Go New Orleans.
Dad: archie was beloved here my hosts tell me.
Me: Well NY has certainly adopted Eli.



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