Saturday, June 02, 2007


*I have now worked at Saks for one month. It continues to amuse. The are remodeling 85% of our floor and have taken away the restaurant, the wedding dresses and our employee bathroom. I miss the wedding dresses but mostly our bathroom because now I have to go down to the 5th floor and walk past lots and lots of very pretty dressed that I could conceivably desire (the wedding dresses, while pretty, I do not desire). In fact there was this Alexander McQueen dress that was so pretty and blue. AND it was on 40% discount. And I was like, hey! Sale! Plus my 20% employee discount! I can do this!
Well lets do some mathematics boys and girls.
The dress was originally $800.
Multiply by .40
That equals 320
Subtract 320 from 800. That leaves you with 480.
Multiply by .20
That equals 96
Subtract 96 from 480.
That leaves me with 384.
Which is three hundred and eighty four dollars I do not have.
Ah well, such is life.
*I am presently obsessed with the blow song Parenthesis. Go to their myspace and listen. Its wonderful
*One of my very favorite people (Jennifer) has left new york. Possibly for good. I would be sad but she is moving to Portland OR and that’s where all the cool kids are.
*I am now 22. I feel like it has a nice ring to it. Two Two. Yes, very nice. And my party is swell with most of the lovely people I like there. There were some people missing but they had good excuses so I shall forgive them.
*If you did not wish me happy birthday however, I am presently very mad at you. This is mostly directed at my brother, who really doesn’t know better. He also doesn’t read this. So I’m going to have to be direct and say “hey alex, what did you get me for my birthday?” And he’ll go “uhhhhh.” And it will be like most of our interactions. (alex, if you DO read this, you know I love you. Now buy me Pans Labyrinth.)


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