Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Facebook Diarys! Weeee!

I went to a facebookparty last week. Yeah. I know. Please let me explain.
So a friend of a friend works for facebook. And facebook is trying to promote this new partnership they have with (which is a youtube competitor) and comcast called Facebook diaries. Esentially its vidio blogging. And really is the worst idea ever. No one. I mean no one wants to watch a bunch of whiny college students talk about their problems on their webphone. Which is the reason why it isnt doing so well.
So said friend of a friend talks facebook into giving him $500 dollars for booze and a bunch of free tee shirts on the condition that every one who comes to the party will record a facebook diary.
The topic was "who am I."
Saddly, this did not deter me and I went to the party and recorded a facebook diary and now it will be on the web forever more.
And you can watch it. Because I might as well own the awefulness.
You will notice that I never once address the topic of who am I. Once. Oh well.
Also, I did not come up with that title, just so you know.


Blogger Asher said...

angry angry lesbian

11:15 PM  
Blogger Michael said...

bell hooks has a good article about the intersections of racism and sexism as it pertains to gansta rap. I think what's been upsetting for me about most of the coverage about Don Imus is that it seeks to make us pick, one or the other, sexism or racism. Because we all know that it can't be both, right? Anyway, I think you would like this article. This is just the last few paragraphs.

From: Sexism and Misogyny: Who Takes the Rap? Misogyny, gangsta rap, and The Piano

"Gangsta rap is part of the anti-feminist backlash that is the rage right now. When young black males labor in the plantations of misogyny and sexism to produce gangsta rap, their right to speak this violence and be materially rewarded is extended to them by white supremacist capitalist patriarchy. Far from being an expression of their "manhood," it is an expression of their own subjugation and humiliation by more powerful, less visible forces of patriarchal gangsterism. They give voice to the brutal raw anger and rage against women that it is taboo for "civilized" adult men to speak. No wonder then that they have the task of tutoring the young, teaching them to eroticize and enjoy the brutal expressions of that rage (teaching them language and acts) before they learn to cloak it in middle-class decorum or Robert Bly style reclaimings of lost manhood. The tragedy for young black males is that they are so easily dunned by a vision of manhood that can only lead to their destruction.

"Feminist critiques of the sexism and misogyny in gangsta rap, and in all aspects of popular culture, must continue to be bold and fierce. Black females must not be duped into supporting shit that hurts us under the guise of standing beside our men. If black men are betraying us through acts of male violence, we save ourselves and the race by resisting. Yet, our feminist critiques of black male sexism fail as meaningful political intervention if they seek to demonize black males, and do not recognize that our revolutionary work is to transform white supremacist capitalist patriarchy in the multiple areas of our lives where it is made manifest, whether in gangsta rap, the black church, or the Clinton administration. "

11:16 AM  
Blogger Lark(e) said...

bell hooks is smarter than me.

12:10 PM  
Blogger L.Dah K.Plan said...

bell hooks is smarter than everyone.

larke is pretty smart too, though.

except for when she's saying "ummmm" repeatedly.

12:58 AM  

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